Tuesday, September 27, 2016

8 Reasons Why Your Hometown Is Better Than You Thought

After traveling and working all the time, you gain a new appreciation for your hometown. I grew up thinking I lived in boring old Salem, NH. Well boring old Salem is actually one of the most wonderful places on earth, to me.  Here are 8 reasons why your hometown is better than you thought:

1) You know all the alternative routes and can avoid traffic. (If you live in Salem, NH then you know how important it is during the holiday season)

2) You know the perfect coffee shops to visit for when you want to get work done or when you're hoping to run into the people from high school that never left town. (Don't lie to yourself, you wonder what happened to them, and after you deleted them on social media in college, Facebook stalking isn't as effective.)

3) You know the best place to get take out, and not be disappointed. ( Sal's Pizza and Romano's for the WIN.)

4) When your bored, or just want a hug after a long day, you can go visit family or your best friends family's house.

5) Everyone loves the same sport teams as you, and you don't have to argue why your team is better. (Go Red Sox!!)

6) Every business in town closes by 9pm. Even though when you were in high school this was the most frustrating, you secretly love it now.  After all you just want to lay in bed, watch Netflixs and not feel guilty about it.

7) Trying new restaurants is fun, but nothing beats having your mom cook dinner. (Even if it is chicken, again.)

8) YOUR bed. After hotels, tour bus bunks and Air B&B, its nice to kick back in your room, with your old stuff and just relax.

Nothing beats home.

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